Tuesday, March 25, 2014

1 Year, 7 Months, 22 Days

That's how long it's been since I've written a new post.


A little catch-up:
-We now have 3 boys.
-We still love Jesus.

That about sums it up. Kidding...kind of.

This is our family now. Well, 10 months ago. Precious.

This is a more accurate picture.

Micah is in costume
Levi has food on his face
Judson is eating his sock

We've now lived in the house we're currently in for over a year which is a record for us. Whoop, whoop. I've gone a bit crazy with personalizing it since I've had the time to do so. I keep putting things up, taking things down, and rearranging the furniture. Lin loves me because he tollerates this part of my personality. He would be perfectly content if we somehow permanently affixed all of our furniture to the floor and never moved it again. He would also be content in a yurt. I would like to say I would be too, but I would have to work at it a lot harder than he would.

We have been blessed with the most incredible neighbors! Honestly, the Lord knew I would need this before moving to a place with so much spiritual darkness. Sure, it might make me miss the states more and eventually have some bitterness over not being able to have it in our new cultural context (hopefully not), but I am so thankful for it in this very moment of my life. They have already started calling "dibs" on our stuff for when we leave. My neighbor and I were laughing about it, then suddenly started crying.

On that note, we accepted a job request today. Holla'! Yep, I'm one big ball of emotions. Now we just have to go to the dentist to be cleared. We have prayed, had close friends and family pray, sought wise counsel, skyped, and sent many emails while making this decision. Lin will (hopefully) be graduating in December, and we will, Lord willing, be leaving NEXT April to go to our country. We're running into a snag with Lin graduating in December as we were counting on him being able to take 6 hours this summer. The snag is that they currently aren't offering any classes this summer that he needs. Even if he doesn't graduate, we're still going, and he can finish online later.

Other useless stuff you may want to know:

-Judson is 10 months and still has no teeth. I'm convinced he's just going to skip baby teeth and start popping out permanent ones when he turns 6.

-We started cloth diapering. It's been...cheaper than buying disposables, and that is all I will say about that. It helps that they now come in all these adorable patterns and prints.

-Micah has an attitude the size of a 9 year old. Awesome.

-Levi has and attitude the size of a 15 year old. Also awesome.

-We will be broke by the time I'm 30 trying to feed these kids. Seriously. They eat. A lot.

-We are now on the Chick-fil-A "A list" because we eat there so much.

-Spring is here, so it means that our fruits and veggies will soon be local again, and my beloved strawberries will taste better than sour water. Hooray!

Basically, our lives are pretty quiet right now, and I'm enjoying it since this summer will be anything but.

In this season of crazy emotional roller coasters, I am resting in this verse: "And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7

Friday, August 3, 2012

Date Day

Our Date Day: Thursday, July 31, 2012

   After a little inspiration from a couple of our friends, Levi and Lexi, I decided to plan a surprise day of "dates" for Lin and I (and the boys) to go on.

Warning: LOTS of pictures.

-First stop: Joyner Park

We had to eat our picnic at the table because the ground was wet.

Eggs, bacon, oranges, and bananas

-Second stop: Clay Fusion at The Factory

I forgot to actually take pictures of us painting the pottery, but they should be ready to pick up 8/7/12, so I'll post pics of the finished product then.

-Third stop: Home

We listed things we would like to have in a home or even future apartments-things that work for us, and things that don't.
     I made Lin a (by no means exhaustive) list of 52 reasons why I love him. It's 52 because it was originally supposed to be on a deck of cards, but that didn't work out. I like how it actually turned out better though.

-Fourth stop: Home again

We built a fort (even though Micah calls it his castle) and had a movie marathon.

We watched Yo Gabba Gabba...we really love our child.

-Fifth stop: Zooza's, Sweet CeCe's, and The Sharing Shop

Laughing at my hair joke...
We were going to go ice skating after froyo at Sweet CeCe's, but we decided to go to The Sharing Shop without kids instead.
Putt-putt at Zooza's

The green has seen better days.

Basically every hole was like this.

The duck taped pelican.
     We laughed so much and had a great time! I forgot to take pics at Sweet CeCe's, but as always, it was soooo yummy! Lin has never been ice skating before, so we will definitely be going on a date to the Polar Ice House soon. I love dating my husband! :)

While the Boys Were Gone and Everyday Life

     The boys recently spent 2 weeks in SC with our wonderful parents. (Thank You!) They had a great time, and Lin and I enjoyed such an amazing time of productivity as well as some much needed rest and together time. I had a lot on my to-do list, but was unable to do a lot of it since it rained at least some part of the day almost every day they were gone, and I was unable to get outside to paint. It forced me to slow down though and take it easy and enjoy this free time with my husband, and for that I am thankful.

Getting ready to go on a date with my lumberjack. ;)
I was able to clean up and organize the laundry room...


...paint our dining room table...

It's actually more of a dark turquoise more so than the brighter blue it appears to be in this pic. I also have bright green spray paint for the chairs, but those will have to be done outside.

...and my amazing husband made me this pull out pantry...

It slides between the wall and the fridge. :)

I just need to paint the frame (probably the same color as the table),
but that won't be for a while.

     Since the boys have been back, we've been trying to capitalize on the time we have with Lin before he goes back to school.

Dinner Picnic on campus...

Like father, like son. :)

Blowing Bubbles

He's getting so big.


He stayed like this the entire time we were there. He wouldn't even take them down to eat; I had to feed him his pizza.

Levi enjoyed it!

The "sucker" and "sunglasses" made it all worth it though.

Levi's first ride in a swing...

And Levi's first "real" food (peas)...

He ate like a champ.

     This week I have been reminded over and over of the fact that my family is a precious gift from God. My husband is better to me than I deserve, Micah is learning Bible verses, can now sing his ABC's clearly and without missing a letter, and Levi is sitting up and getting into position to crawl (although he hasn't actually done it yet). I am very much enjoying this season of our lives.